Oshawa Lawyers Defending Sexual Assault Charges
Sexual assault is any assault of a sexual nature. It can range from unwanted sexual touching to a violent rape. However, it need not be violent to be considered assault. These cases are often quite complicated because of the numerous special rules of evidence that have developed in response to the need to protect complainants. Many of the legal concepts are often quite complex and confusing to the average person, or to a lawyer not familiar with this area of the law. Sexual assault cases can also involve complicated forensic evidence relating to DNA testing.
The potential consequences for a sexual assault conviction are onerous. You could end up with your name on a sex offender registry for 20 years or even for life.
Historical Sexual Assault Defence Lawyers
Historical sexual assault refers to any sexual assault that may have occurred in the past. In Canada, there is no Statute of Limitations in criminal law for indictable offences. Thus, even if an assault occurred 10, 20 or even 50 years ago, you can still be charged and convicted of the offence. Experience in handling these types of cases is especially important in the case of historical sexual assault. These can be sensitive and difficult cases, dredging up events that occurred many years ago.
It is essential to have a full understanding of the options and tools available to be able to successfully defend a sexual assault. Trials for sexual assault are among the most complicated, involving masses of evidence, scientific experts and private investigators. It is important to hire a defence lawyer who has experience defending sexual assault charges and is familiar with the complex law in this area.
Sexual assault proceedings can put a heavy strain on you and your family. The process is lengthy and the outcome is often uncertain. At Barrison & Manitius, our lawyers have years of experience defending clients against sexual assault charges and have earned a solid reputation amongst their peers in this area of law.
Contact Skilled Defence Counsel Serving Pickering, Ajax And Whitby
Whatever the nature of your charges, we can help. Contact us online or at 905-404-1947 to speak with one of our experienced Oshawa lawyer specializing in the defence of sexual assault. We offer a variety of payment options, including private retainers and Legal Aid. For your convenience, we also offer 24-hour phone services and a free confidential consultation. We are available when you need us most.